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25 Years, Thanks to This Community

As I reflect on the past 25 years, I see images of projects, good days, terrible days, triumphs, and heartbreaks; but more than all of those images, I see people. Custom Creations was not built by one person, it was built by the thousands of people who have touched this company in one form or another over the years. Clients, employees, interns, friends, family, bankers, contractors, suppliers – all have had an impact and, in the process, become friends. 

As I consider these various groups of people, some individuals stand out as integral to our success. My parents would be on the forefront of this list. My stepdad Carl taught me to work hard, no matter the circumstances, and to never back down from a challenge. I have certainly met many challenges along this journey that I wish he were here with me to overcome. Carl also taught me to be moral and fair in all dealings. I never saw him take advantage of anyone. I can only hope I have made him proud. My mother still holds a significant role in the company but spent the first fifteen years of my business working another job while doing my accounting and taxes – without pay and often accompanied by my endless questions and frustration. My parents also shared the burden of having my trucks, trailers, and equipment parked in their front yard until I could finally afford a place of my own.  

Other family members contributed along the way as well. Some helped financially by supplying me with a small loan (all were paid in full!), some created projects for me to do when I knew all along they could easily do it themselves. Others showed interest in my business—whether out of genuine curiosity or just good manners—helping to build my confidence and reinforce the support of my community. 

As Custom Creations continued to grow, other people became integrally important. My first bank loan was given to me by a then hometown-owned bank – and a good man named John Miller. John had no reason to give me a loan; I had nothing to offer as collateral other than my word. I still remember him smiling and saying “I think you’ll do great”. I will never forget that moment and the weight I felt leaving there with this responsibility on my shoulders at 18 years old. I set to work and did whatever it took to ensure I made good on my word to that bank.  

As time went on, I needed additional capital and business guidance. I found both in Ben Morgan and Chris Owens.  These men were bankers, but they also took a genuine interest in my success and were always available to provide guidance when I needed it, which seemed to be daily.  

Jeremy Loftin is another irreplaceable individual in our story. He has been a friend, advisor, confidant, business partner in a side project, lender, and more. Most of all, Jeremy is the epitome of a role model and someone I always want in my corner.   

Another such role model is John Brooks, who helped me in a way that I will never forget. John wanted to see people succeed. One day he told me a story of how someone helped him when he owned his sod farm.  He said it would have been impossible to succeed without the help that was given. Later, when I went to John asking to purchase the land our facility now sits on, he told me it was time to pay that forward. John made it easy for me to make the purchase work financially and stopped by many times to tell me how proud he was to see what it had become. I have tried to pay it forward as well, and will continue to seek the opportunities to do so. 

I am also proud to have many competitors as friends. One might think that competitors would be a foolish choice to confide in, seek help from, or provide help to, but I couldn’t find this further from the truth.  I learned more than I can measure from Reed Huffman while working for him as I built my own business. He was always willing to share and never left anything out to gain a competitive edge.  I could say the same for other companies in our area. I continue to do the same as the new generation of landscaping companies form. What is knowledge worth if we don’t pass it down? I take great pride in providing advice to young companies with eager backs and lots of questions. Without someone to teach, trades and skills will disappear forever. 

Numerous friends over the years have given us projects to help ensure our viability or called just to say how nice a project looks that they had seen. These friends are special and have left a mark on our story.   

There is still one more group of friends that cannot go unmentioned. These superheroes are the friends that gave up their Saturdays, Sundays, or even vacation days from their actual careers to help me on a project. This incredible group of people worked side by side with me through pouring rain, relentless heat, and deep snow. If I ever found myself in an unbeatable battle, these friends-turned-coworkers were right there in the trenches with me, muddy, sweaty, cut up, and exhausted. And after everything they gave up, they would always say “happy to help”. This kind of friendship is priceless.   

The last family members I need to mention are our employees. Without our current team and all of our previous employees, Custom Creations would not be what it is today. One man and a shovel can’t achieve the success that all of them have helped create over the past 25 years. I hope all of our past team members have found success in whatever they’re doing. To our current team, you are truly family to me and I’m not half the man I am today without each of you. 

Finally, no business exists without customers. Sometimes I think back to the early days of Custom Creations and wonder how anyone was brave enough to hire a kid to renovate the outside of their home, which is likely their largest asset. I still don’t know the answer to that question, but I do know that we would not exist without each and every client we have had over these 25 years. Some taught us lessons, some we met for only a short time, and others are still customers 25 years later. All hold a special place in my heart and mind, and in our history. 

To all of these special people in my life I say Thank You! These words pale in comparison to what they are owed, but I simply can’t express how important each is to me and to our story. If you ever have a person in your life that makes a difference, let them know and don’t take that gift for granted. Each of us is only one encouragement away from doing something great. 

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